Thursday, October 1, 2009

Equality within Sport

Recently we have been discussing equality, Title IX, and should females be able to participate in male athletics. The general consensus was mixed. I personally felt that if a females should be able to participate in a sport that is not available to them, and vise versa. There is a lot of controversy about how title IX in sports was mainly meant to help advance female equality in athletics, however, I think people tend to forget that’s its a new day and a new age. Yes, title IX was created only a few decades ago, but I believe that alterations need to be kept up with the times. Title IX wasn’t even meant to have a huge impact on sports when it was first created, so I do not think we can discriminate on a policy because it was, "supposed" or "meant" to advance women in sport. When rules and regulations were made within individual athletic programs, women wanting to compete in men’s sports and men wanting to compete in female sport most, likely was never considered to be an option. Well again, times have changed, and we must keep up. If there is not an opportunity for a male to play field hockey then he should have the chance to play on the women’s team if he qualifies in skill. I understand where is coach was coming from. Her job is to create a team that will win games, if a male can bring a contribution to the team then he should be able to compete. Also with a male wanting to play field hockey, it will probably spring interest from others, and eventually could develop the sport and grow it’s popularity. Coaching lacrosse, it was important not only to win games but to develop an interest and a love for the game that will allow current athletes to give back to the sport the following years, growing the sport. Who knows that one male athlete that played on the women’s field hockey team may give back to the sport weather he is a coach or a huge donator to their national association, allowing more teams to be created, who knows, he may spring enough publicity that male teams will spring up across the country. The parents that were salty were probably parents of children who’s playing time was cut because another athlete had more skill. Trust me, as a head varsity coach if someone’s child is not fed with a silver spoon, they will find anything to find someone who is responsible for their, “star” child not getting as much playing time. Again, we are continually advancing in equal rights and rules and regulations need to be altered in order to keep up and further advancement.