Sunday, November 8, 2009

Indian Wells and the William Sisters

I never really understood the Indian Wells incident until we discussed it in class, and I completely side with the Williams sisters with their decision in not returning to play in future tournaments. I understand that it is not so much the crowds reaction and their inappropriate display of resentment towards the Williams family, its the fact that the tournament staff did not do anything to fix their mistakes and prevent future outrage with the fans. First of all, I agree that Indian Wells should have confessed to their ticket holders that they were late in informing them that Serena could not participate in her match. Because they did not do that one simple action it was the cause of a whole set of events that are much harder to control, such as a mass crowed of angry tennis fans. I do believe that they could have done other actions to protect their players, such as security warning their rude and intolerable fans to watch their language and if they didn't they would be escorted out of the venue and be given a refund. Or even the tournament director making an announcement to kindly ask people to keep their etiquette during the match or even confessing their mistake. The tournament director has control to do what he wants, it is his tournament, it would not be hard to get a microphone and address the crowd. There were many opportunities to help resolve the problem or even to cut some of the tension. However, because they did not, they disrespected the Williams family and let the situation get so out of control that they had a upset stadium that would be nearly impossible to settle down. Since this is the one tournament that a lot of the Williams family and friends could easily attend, I highly doubt that racial slurs would prevent them from returning. Again, it was how the was run, who would want to play in a tournament that doesn't take care of their athletes and does not have control of their own operations. Maybe one day when there is a new director and the tournament is under different management the sisters will return to play.

1 comment:

  1. I think you hit the nail on the head when you wrote this: "its the fact that the tournament staff did not do anything to fix their mistakes and prevent future outrage with the fans." I also believe that Indian Wells was complicit in what happened, and they could have avoided a whole range of events that transpired from there!
